Welcome to Eden, Garden & Education

inspired by connection

The best part about this project is that it was educational— learning and growing in my style. I was able to learn a thing or two about interior design, branding, and overall brand communication. How can I speak through a brand? Well, my answer comes from the heart. I introduce you to Eden!

"At Eden, we believe in the power between humans and nature. The connection that drives every soul to feel deeply rooted in the presence of beauty and growth. We are here for the passionate and eager learners— those not afraid of a little dirt. We are here to teach each thumb to be green and every home to be one step closer to nature. "



Tasked with creating a brand of our choosing, I quickly landed on the topic of plants. As a proud plant mama to over thirty, I wanted a project that reflected some of my passions.


Interior Design

First, I am a graphic designer— not an interior designer. Lol. I tried my best! Anyways, I used a free program called Homestyler. The process was easy, fun, and produced incredible renders. I will have to use it again!

Learn & Shop


In addition to a branded and designed shop, I also created takeaway items. With faux shoppers in mind, I created plant price tags, flyer, student workbook, and a poster!



Overall, this entire project took about four weeks. I participated in several critiques and accepted feedback on most elements of Eden. Some didn't appreciate a few personal choices I made in the branding— that's okay!

All The Things


The first step I do in any project, work or school, is create a mood board. This not only helps align the vision in your head and reality— but it focuses the rest of your design. Mood boarding is CRUCIAL for me as I work through the design process in creating a brand, product, and further templates. It really allows me to see what is working and what is just not going to cut it.

On the next page, you will see an extremely intentionally detailed mood board that I collected on Pinterest.



Eden is inspired by my passionate love for plants. So, it was a natural transition to make a project about them! When I was brainstorming Eden, I was faced with a problem. A plant shop is a dead-end experience. The customer enters the store, buys the product, and leaves. The connection and friendship with the customer ends at the door.

I wanted Eden to be more than a dead-end shop. With that in mind, Eden will not only sell you beautiful plants— but teach you how to care for them, propagate, and share with family and friends. Eden offers workshops, courses, and education for all customers to continue to grow their knowledge! It was important that I prioritize connection with the community over just selling a product.

The Eden branding is inspired by Mother Nature, Greek bust sculptures, and the amazing garden of Eden. I not only wanted to sell beautiful plants— but create an equally beautiful space as well. All renders were designed in HomeStyler.

I wanted Eden to be a community place to learn and grow. So again, we are here for the passionate and eager learners— those not afraid of a little dirt. We are here to teach each thumb to be green and every home to be one step closer to nature. "